This website is a ministry of the Berean Bible Fellowship of Australia, (BBFA). We are not officially associated with any religious denomination, nor is our Fellowship a derivative or splinter group from any larger church or organization.
The name “Berean” has been taken from Acts 17:10,11. There we read about those who lived in the city of Berea and how they “searched the Scriptures daily” to see whether the things that Paul was saying were true. They are called “noble” by the writer of Acts because they were willing to consider what was being said to them, and to check what was being said with the Scriptures.
This is a practice that the B.B.F.A. strongly endorses. Rather than just accepting the doctrines we hold, we believe that it is indeed “noble” to exercise the Berean attitude and search the Bible for yourself to see if these things are true or not.
Taken from our constitution, the objects of the B.B.F.A. are:
– to promote a general interest in the Bible;
– to encourage Bible study;
– to make plain what is the Dispensation of the Mystery as revealed only to the Apostle Paul;
– to foster communication through the fellowship of like-minded believers;
– to do all things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects.
It is impossible to state all of the Fellowship’s beliefs in a short article like this, especially since views on some points of doctrine are varied. However, the following are points which we see as being fundamental to our Fellowship:
– the belief in the full inspiration of Scripture;
– the belief in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ;
– the belief in all sufficiency of His One Atoning Sacrifice;
– the belief that the Scriptures must be “rightly divided”. An integral part of this last point is the belief that the Church which is Christ’s body, did not commence until after Acts 28:28.
In keeping with the objectives listed previously, the B.B.F.A. carries out various activities, including:
– publishing and distributing “Spiritual Blessings” magazine
– printing pamphlets and study booklets
– distributing literature
– conducting regional Bible Study meetings
– conducting interstate and national Bible Study Days and Weekends
– producing Bible study CDs and MP3 audio recordings
– co-operating with similar fellowships overseas
– broadcasting Bible study material via the world wide web
For the purposes of overseeing the administrative affairs of the B.B.F.A., a seven member Committee is elected every two years. There are no paid pastors or staff members within the B.B.F.A., as the Fellowship is run purely on a volunteer basis.
The B.B.F.A.’s ministry is not based around the Committee. Rather, our ministry is a joint effort carried out by a much wider group that includes members, friends and supporters of the B.B.F.A.
Hence, many other people within the Fellowship, who may or may not be on the administrative Committee, are regularly involved in assisting to carry out the B.B.F.A.’s objectives.
The Berean Bible Fellowship of Australia
BBFA, PO Box 3269 Thornton, NSW 2322 Australia