Make an Offering or Payment
If you find our ministry helpful, please consider making a donation to help us cover our costs. The BBFA has no paid pastors or staff members and is run on a purely voluntary basis.
Donations (and payments for magazine subscriptions, conference fees, etc.) may be made in any of the following ways:
- In person at any of our meetings.
- By cheque sent to: BBFA, PO Box 3269 Thronton, NSW 2322 Australia. Please make cheques payable to “BBFA”.
- Direct Deposit online. Please note we have two separate accounts:
- BBFA General Account. To make a general donation, or pay Spiritual Blessings optional subscriptions and conference fees, use our general account. If there are any specific reasons for your donation or payment (e.g. Spiritual Blessings optional subscription, Annual Conference fees, etc.), it will help us if you send a short explanatory email .
- Account name:Berean Bible FellowshipBSB – 012 672ACC – 305969728
- Account name:
- BBFA Book Agency Account. To pay for books & CDs, or to pay a Search magazine subscription or a Berean Expositor subscription, use our Book Agency account. If there are any specific reasons for your donation or payment (e.g. Book purchase, Search Magazine subscription, etc.), it will help us if you send a short explanatory email .
- Account Name: BBFA Book Agency
BSB No: 062814 (Commonwealth Bank of Australia)
Account No: 10033933
- Account Name: BBFA Book Agency
- BBFA General Account. To make a general donation, or pay Spiritual Blessings optional subscriptions and conference fees, use our general account. If there are any specific reasons for your donation or payment (e.g. Spiritual Blessings optional subscription, Annual Conference fees, etc.), it will help us if you send a short explanatory email .
- Credit Card & PayPal. By clicking on the Freewill Offering button below you can use your Credit Card or your PayPal account. Please note that you do not need a PayPal account to send donations using your credit card. If there are any specific reasons for your donation or payment (e.g. Spiritual Blessings optional subscription, Annual Conference fees, Book purchase, Search magazine subscription, etc.), it will help us if you send a short explanatory email .
We appreciate your support. Thank you!