by David Tavender
In this article, the different conditions in operation before and after Acts 28 will be summarised.
Those BEFORE Acts 28 are recorded in the book of Acts and the epistles written during that time, whilst those AFTER Acts 28 are to be found in the last seven letters of Paul: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. Here, then, are some of the differences – “before” and “after” Acts 28 – with Scripture references for further study.
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National Status (No.1)
Before Acts 28: There were two distinct orders of believers. These were called “Jews that believe” and “Gentiles that believe” (Rom 1:16; 2:9,10). There were different rules of life and requirements for these two groups of believers (Acts 15:19,20).
After Acts 28: No such distinction exists among God’s saints today. God’s rule for one believer is God’s rule for all. “Gentiles (ie, nations) are fellowheirs” (Eph 2:14,15; 3:6; Col 2:14).
National Status (No.2)
Before Acts 28: The blessings that came to the Gentiles were related to God’s desires and purposes for Israel. They were given to the Gentiles in order to provoke Israel to jealousy. (Rom 11:11)
After Acts 28: The blessings that belong to the Gentiles now have no relationship to Israel. Believers of all nations are blessed independently of Israel.
National Status (No.3)
Before Acts 28: The gospel of salvation was to the Jew first. In each city that was preached to, Jews were given the first opportunity to believe (Acts 3:25,26; 13:5,14,45,46; 14:1; 17:1,2,10; 28:17).
After Acts 28: This gospel is no longer to the Jew first. All national priorities are abolished. Gentile believers become equal with Jewish believers in every way. A literal translation of Eph 3:6 is that Gentiles are joint-heirs, in a joint-body, and joint-partakers of the promise in Christ by the gospel.
National Status (No.4)
Before Acts 28: There was an advantage in being a Jew, and circumcision was profitable (Rom 3:1,2; Acts 16:3).
After Acts 28: There is no advantage in being a Jew, and there is no profit in circumcision (Phil 3:5-8).
The Mystery
Before Acts 28: The mystery (or secret) of Ephesians was not yet revealed (Eph 3:3,5).
After Acts 28: The mystery that believers from all nations are now fellow heirs, is revealed (Eph 3:5,6). Previously it had been hidden (Col 1:26). The church of the mystery is a new creation (Eph 2:15); therefore, the term “mystery” is never used of the church during the Acts period.
The Body
Before Acts 28: The term “body” was simply an illustration of the groups of Christians within each locality. The relationship of Christ as head of the body did not yet exist, as shown by 1 Cor 12. Here, various members of the body were compared with the eyes, ears, nose, etc – i.e. parts of the head (Rom 12:4,5, 1 Cor 12:12-20). Note that the Greek of 1 Cor 12:27 says “you are a body (not “the” body) of Christ”.
After Acts 28: The Head is Christ and the body is the group of believers (Eph 1:22,23; 4:15,16; 5:23; Col 1:18; 2:19). The term “The Body of Christ” is now the title of the church today, and not just an illustration as was the case previously.
Israel’s Hope
Before Acts 28: Israel’s hope of the kingdom was active right up until Acts 28 (Acts 28:20).
After Acts 28: There is no mention of Israel’s hope, because plans for Israel as a nation have been temporarily laid aside.
Foundation of the World
Before Acts 28: The hope of believers is linked with ages “SINCE (or from) the foundation of the world” (Matt 25:34).
After Acts 28: The hope of present believers is linked with ages “BEFORE the foundation of the world” (Eph 1:4).
Before Acts 28: God’s administration was not one of pure grace. Some of His acts were gracious, others were acts of justice, and some acts were designed to punish. People died for sinful actions (Acts 5:1-11; 1 Cor 11:30). .
After Acts 28: God’s administration is one of pure grace. All of his acts are gracious. All direct judgement against human sin is in abeyance (Eph 3:2). Every blessing that comes to us is the result of God acting in grace – not as a result of our earning.
Before Acts 28: Every covenant that God had made with Abraham’s seed was in operation. Some of the blessings that came to them were the result of God keeping a covenant (Acts 3:25,26; Rom 9:4).
After Acts 28: No covenant is in operation, because the people to whom they were made (i.e. Israel) have no standing before God (Gal 3:16; Eph 2:12).
The Lord’s Coming
Before Acts 28: During Acts the Lord’s coming was to be soon (Acts 3:19,20; Heb 10:37; James 5:8; Rev 22:7,12,20). This is why Paul advised widows and the unmarried not to marry (1 Cor 7:8,9; compare Matt 24:19).
After Acts 28: The Lord’s coming to rule in Israel has been postponed and does not relate to the hope of our dispensation. Hence we do not find phrases such as “the Kingdom of heaven is near”. Note that Paul now advises younger widows to marry (1 Tim 5:14).
Paul’s Preaching
Before Acts 28: Men (mostly Jews) had constantly opposed the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 13:48-50; 17:4,5,13; 21:27-29).
After Acts 28: Paul preached with “…no man forbidding him” (Acts 28:31).
Before Acts 28: Ceremonies such as water baptism, the Sabbath and the Lord’s Supper (Passover) were observed by Jewish believers.
After Acts 28: Observance of these ordinances, which were for Israel, are now not necessary (Col 2:13-17).
Baptism (No.1)
Before Acts 28: Water baptism was an esssential requirement along with faith for salvation (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38).
After Acts 28: Water baptism is not essential to our forgiveness or redemption (Eph 1:7; 2:8,9).
Baptism (No.2)
Before Acts 28: At least two forms of baptism were in operation – water & spirit (Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 10:44-48).
After Acts 28: Only one baptism is now in operation – that of being identified with Christ in His death. (Col 2:12; Eph 4:5; Rom 6:3,4).
Before Acts 28: Belief in Christ as Saviour was confirmed by visible, miraculous signs that accompanied this belief. This was true of every Christian at the time (Mark 16:16-18; Heb 2:4; Rom 15:18,19). Miracles were a sign to Israel (Acts 2:22).
After Acts 28: Believers are no longer accompanied by miracles. This is because the nation of Israel has been temporarily set aside. There are no references to miracles occurring after Acts 28.
Before Acts 28: Paul could heal by his word, his touch, and even a handkerchief (Acts 19:12; 28:8,9).
After Acts 28: Paul was now no longer able to heal (1 Tim 5:23; 2 Tim 4:20).
Content of Writings
Before Acts 28: In his messages, Paul only declared that which was also covered by the writings of Moses and the prophets in some way. “It is written” occurs forty-odd times in Paul’s early epistles (Acts 26:22).
After Acts 28: Paul declared truths revealed to him, which Moses and the prophets knew nothing about. This is because, in previous ages, they were “not made known” (Eph 3:5,9). The term “it is written” occurs not once.
OT References
Before Acts 28: Quotations from the Old Testament and references to Old Testament people, places and events abound. Because Israel as a nation still feature in God’s plans, there are many references to the OT which features Israel.
After Acts 28: In the later epistles, there are very few quotations from the OT, and of this number, not one can be said to teach the mystery revealed to Paul. (Eph 4:8; 5:14,31; 6:2; 1 Tim 5:18).
Word Occurrences
Before Acts 28: Words and phrases associated with “Israel” and its part in God’s plans are very common. Such phrases include: Jew, Israel, Israelite, Abraham, Moses, the Lord’s Supper, miracles, tongues, interpret(ation), heal(ing), prophecy, prophesying, circumcision(ise), and others.
After Acts 28: These terms are virtually non-existent. The few times they do occur, they emphasise the fact that there is no difference between the Jewish and Gentile believers. (Col 3:11; Eph 2:11,12; Phil 3:3-9; Titus 1:14; 2 Tim 3:8).
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The above is an attempt to show the differences in the way that God has dealt with His people before and since the Acts 28 dividing line, and how the relevant Scriptures reflect this. It is our hope that we may all come to a better understanding of the unique and blessed place of the church under this current dispensation of God’s immeasurable grace.
jannie van der weide says
Great article David
admin says
Thank you, Jannie. Good to hear from you, too!
David T.
michaelm says
Just letting you know I look in on BBFA on occasions and I enjoy and appreciate the blessings on your site as I enjoy all things berean and dispensational in Christ and in His word . 🙂 . It is good to fellowship with like minded friends on the other side of the world .I’m in England and I do have wonderful fellowship in Christ at the chapel of the opened book and wonderful teaching too and also the same with the magazines and booklets of the Open Bible Trust. Some of the booklets are now out of print but available as free downloads on the internet or can be bought for a small fee for ipads etc. I really enjoyed and apreciated David Tavenders booklet ‘ Reading the bible for yourself ‘.
Anyway , I thought I would write this tonight and send greetings before I close down on the computer and go to bed . mm .
admin says
Thanks for your kind comments, Michael. It’s exciting for us to have people like yourself find our website and get something out of its contents.
Richard Piper says
I am presently an acts 13 persuasion but have many unanswered questions concerning Paul’s early writings. I am like sitting on the fence between
The acts 13 and acts 28 position. I have been at this point for the last 20 yrs. I am now 73 yrs old and became a Chistion at age 27. I find this article to be very interesting.
Ross Stockwell says
Because tradition has blinded the eyes of many the mystery of Christ as it relates to the salvation of the nations has been most obscured. The mystery of Christ must not be understood from the stand point of the 21st century. It must be understood in its context with Zion its rejection and Israels disenfranchising. Week 62 to 69 of Daniel highlights the servant in 62 and governor, wonderful counselor week 69. Week 70 begins Zion after the Tribulation of 1260 days amidst week 69. Most Jews hate this prophesy as it confirms the one they hung on the stake in the midst 62 was indeed the messiah. Ezekiel the prophet says that 40 days for 40years to determine the iniquity of Judah where is the prophesy fulfilled? From Christ resurrection to the destruction of Jerusalem in 69AD. During this time the Judean is first and the beloved Apostle is emphatic because he applies the accusative case prOton and not prOtos the nominative ordinal. Most non students of Greek miss this.
The Body of Christ a mystery of the will (Eph 1:9) The middle wall of partition, mesotoichon was created via covenant old and new. Israel will be delivered via the New Covenant the nations now are delivered via the pleasure of YAH outside of any covenant confine. Though the Goyim were also recipients of salvation in relation to Zion’s promises (Isaiah 2 and others) how that deliverance would occur during Israels long delinquency was not revealed hence the Mystery of the Will not before revealed. Act 28:28 “This gospel will go and they will hear it” however the form in which it would go is not spoken of. Would it go in covenant? Nay for ye nations were strangers to and mere lodgers without hope with YAH in the system. Simple enough the nations would be delivered while Israel was in exile via the will and pleasure of the Master and not via any covenant. Hence a dispensation of Grace no law no covenant no rituals. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are not a Mystery Ordinances.
Simple point! Paul did not assume 2000 years till the present. The last days were then not now. Zion was rejected and Israel dispersed. No one knew then as we know it was 2000+ years. We preach this mystery if your interested and have been for many decades..